Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Web Site Reviews


The splash page for his site brings up a picture of him with his family. It shows the Obama family as very relaxed and happy. This picture is showing that family is very important to him, which is a target towards people with deep family beliefs. Below the picture you are given the option to “Join The Movement” by entering your email and zip code. This is a simple way of supporting the campaign, by getting updates and information on his it. This could also be used maliciously by someone supporting another campaign by analyzing his strategies.

The main page of the site is full of headlines of victories and other important Obama messages. Once again an email/zip code sign up is in the top right corner. Right above that is the “En Espanol” link, which obviously translates the site into Spanish. This is so Spanish speaking citizens can be targeted to become a supporter. A main headline scroller is centered in which these titles appear, “Senator Kennedy Endorses Barack,” and “Caroline Kennedy Endorses Barack.” These are shown to help influence Kennedy supporters to support Obama. There is a table titled, “Make A Difference” under which gives you options of ways to support his campaign

I could go through every pixel of this site and explain its significance to his campaign. The overall design of the site is pretty good. The site is really easy to navigate and it really showcases his success in the campaign. As well it is easy to locate what he stands for. In addition it makes it very easy to become part of his campaign and show your support.


The first headline you see is titled, “Courageous Service” which links to a video of when McCain served. This video is targeted to those serving our country trying to show he was one of them. Another table has scrolling recommendations from politics. This is targeted towards anyone who may support any of those politics. Bottom left of the site is a poll, “By how much would the Democrats’ budget resolution raise America’s tax bill?” This is blatantly there to bring in the hardcore republicans.

McCain’s website has various ways to get you to show support. There are links everywhere saying, “Contribute,” “Join,” and “Donate.” Also there is a link leading to a page to make phone calls for McCain. If you click the “Get Involved” link on the menu bar you are giving a heap of options in ways to support him.

As I said about in the Obama review, I could explain every little bit of this site and how it serves a purpose to get you as a supporter. The site’s not bad. It is really littered with donation links though.

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